CSS Windows NT Application Information: This document pertains to the process that the CSS department uses to add an application to the automatic build process. | ||
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(On the Win NT Side)
1. Snapshot a clean system.
c:\admin\sysdiff\sysdiff /snap c:\temp\msoffice97.snp
2. Install the application.
use the default installation location
install all service packs, add-on packs, plugins, etc, and use the same directory as above.
3. Sysdiff the system.
c:\admin\sysdiff\sysdiff /diff c:\msoffice97.snp c:\temp\msoffice97.dif
4. Extract registry settings, system files, and other files needed for the application install
(on the Linux side) mkdir (JDIR)/installs/msoffice97
net use v: \\(JSHARE) /persistent:no
c:\admin\sysdiff\sysdiff /inf /m c:\temp\msoffice97.dif v:\installs\msoffice97\
5. Re-path the install source shortcuts
v: (mapped above to \\(JSHARE))
cd \installs\msoffice97\
..\..\scripts\repath-shortcuts.pl c:\progra~1\msoffice97 \\samson\msoffice97
(On the Linux side)
6. Rename the install source files.
cd (JDIR)/installs/msoffice97/
mv "\$OEM\$/"* ..
rmdir "\$OEM\$"
cd "(JDIR)/installs/msoffice97/\$\$"
mv "\$\$rename.txt" rename.txt
(JDIR)/scripts/parse-rename.pl "(JDIR)/installs/msoffice97/\$\$/rename.txt"
cd ../C
mv "\$\$rename.txt" rename.txt
(JDIR)/scripts/parse-rename.pl (JDIR)/installs/msoffice97/C/rename.txt
7. Re-path the registry file
vi (JDIR)/installs/msoffice97/msoffice97.INF
(type :%s/c:\\progra~1\\msoffice/\\\\samson\\msoffice97/ig)
8. Create the execution share directory and samba share
mkdir /samba/progs3/msoffice97
mv "(JDIR)/installs/msoffice97/C/Program Files/Microsoft Office
97"/* /samba/progs3/msoffice97/
Add a samba share msoffice97 that points to /samba/progs3/msoffice97/
9. Synchronize the system files between various application install source directories
10. Create the zipped up install source directory
(JDIR)/scripts/rezip-lnx.pl msoffice97
ln (JDIR)/installs/msoffice97/msoffice97.INF (JDIR)/installzips/msoffice97/msoffice97.INF
(On the Win NT side)
11. Install the application
\\(JSHARE)\zipinst.pl msoffice97
And if it works for you this first time then it's a miracle!!